The owners of a marijuana dispensary in Palisade, Colo., claim their income was unjustly taxed twice. (more…)
Tag Archives: Colorado cannabis tax revenue
Legalizing adult-use marijuana frees states from huge enforcement and incarceration and creates a huge new source of revenue. (more…)
Legal marijuana is a bona fide billion-dollar industry in Colorado. And it’s hitting the mark faster than ever. (more…)
The trend of summer highs for Colorado’s cannabis industry continued in July as monthly recreational sales surpassed the $100 million..
Parachute, a community of only about 1,200 people just off Interstate 70, has approved its seventh recreational marijuana store. (more…)
Despite an uncertain political landscape, one of America’s biggest credit rating agencies expects what it describes as “measurable – and..
A new lawsuit in the southern Colorado city underscores the patchwork nature of laws covering social use of marijuana after..
The taxes were collected from more than $3.6 billion of medical and recreational cannabis sales since 2014. (more…)