
Head Of Nation’s Only Federally Legal Marijuana Farm Develops THC Eye Drops

In a podcast interview, pharmacologist Mahmoud ElSohly, director of the University of Mississippi’s Marijuana Research Project, discussed the history of how an eye doctor discovered that cannabis can relieve the interocular pressure associated with glaucoma. But while the THC in the plant treated the symptoms, it also means patients experience the high.


  • “The best way to treat glaucoma is not to take a drug that will affect your brain, affect your ability to function, the whole rest of your body just to lower the pressure inside the eyes,” ElSohly argued. “The way to do this is to develop, let’s say, eye drops, eye drops from marijuana.”
  • They take the THC molecule and modify it to allow it to go inside the eye where it breaks off and releases THC just in the eye to lower the pressure.
  • You don’t feel any psychological activity, it doesn’t even get into your blood. It’s all localized in the eye.

Read more at Marijuana Moment

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