Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval has authorized state regulators to consider emergency rules that would allow officials to determine whether the..
Canadian companies are investing millions of dollars into Arizona’s medical marijuana market in order to turn profits and wield influence..
Benzinga recently had the chance to discuss investments and investors in the cannabis industry with Micah Tapman, managing director and partner of CanopyBoulder,..
Dispensary shelves across Colorado are about to become more consistent because of a new distribution law, according to several cannabis..
As thousands of YouTube videos illustrate, the process of extracting rosin at home can be messy and inefficient. That’s why the good..
The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy will begin offering training to prepare prospective workers for the medical marijuana industry...
Once shunned by business people and outlawed by public officials, the marijuana industry is fast gaining respectability — and investors...
The state is setting up the new industrial hemp regulations and fielding increased interest from prospective producers. (more…)
The idea is to dismantle the dispensary model, while instead having a network of women introducing products to their peers..
The world of cannabis banking is so full of contradictions that one business can truck money to a federal facility..
COLUMBUS, Ohio — Ohio has received 185 applications to grow marijuana in the state’s fledgling medical marijuana program. (more…)
Nearly a year after the Drug Enforcement Agency announced it would allow more organizations to grow cannabis for sanctioned studies,..