
Cannabis: a remedy for the soil?

Hemp offers untold benefits for the soil, production processes, renewable fuel and sustainable fashion.

The internet has been awash in new health apps to improve sleep and wellness and an enormous amount of information on CBD oil, a product derived from cannabis, also commonly known as the source of marijuana.


  • While the chemical ecology of cannabis is largely unknown to most, the reality is that the cannabis plant is turning out to be one of the best responses to our planet’s current demise.
  • Unlike other plants used for textiles, hemp needs less water and requires no pesticides. Hemp can absorb pollutants from the earth – and return 60-70 percent of the nutrients it takes from the soil.
  • Biodiesel made from hempseed can meet the ATSM D6751 and EN 14214 requirement for fuel quality and surpass that of conventional diesel except in the area of oxidation stability, as is the case with other biodiesel products.

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